Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Session 5

Experiential Learning
Today's lesson is varied and experiential. We visited the library and were introduced to the various resources and facilities. It was enjoyable and fun. The learning environment in NIE is really conducive and it will be wonderful if most school and classroom learning environments are like this.

Research Report
The use of the Excel file and the SPSS (statistical software) to input the raw data of our own class gives us handson experience on the different stages of preparing a research report. We will taught the importance of quoting the references correctly such as using the APA style, the various components involved in the report, for example the abstract, introduction, body, methodology, findings and analysis, conclusion.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Reflections on Session 4

Takeaway for today.....
I like the group discussion on the case study on learning environment. :-) We are supposed to discuss and decide what kind of learning environment that School A is in. This activity encourages us to work as a group and learn the skill of sharing documents using the google mail. The different powerpoints shared by the groups help to give us an insight on what is happening in the local schools. I also like the resources shared by Dr Quek on online learning. The various slideshows in the resource package are interesting and short. Good in captivating the attention of the students. I guess online learning is even tougher than classroom learning. It is lots of hard work from teachers with lots of fun for learning for the students.
In addition, the use of the WIHIC questionnaire within our own class as raw data and SPSS software and excel file to input data has provided me with more confidence in handling statistics if I am doing research in the near future. A fun and fruitful learning experience today!

Brain Storming from the Class......
What defines a school learning environment?
Some points:
(1)Leadership: School leaders must share their vision to staff, school culture
(2)Physical environment
(3)Teachers: Teaching methodology, support staff, teacher-student interaction-
(4)Students: Learning styles, emotional learning, attitude
(5) Working with parents: Parents must be supportive of school activities, forming parent support group etc.
(6) Collaboration with external agencies: more partnership, greater exposure for students
(7)Security: students and teachers must feel that the school is a safe place to be in.
(8)Finance: Money is important to fund and implement certain programmes in schools

How Moo's Scheme is linked to the dimensions in the School Level Environment Questionnaire(SLEQ) .
According to Moo's Scheme:


Student support
(2)Personal development
Professional interest
Achievement orientation
(3)System change/Maintenance
Staff freedom
Participatory decision making
Resource adequacy
Work pressure

Monday, December 3, 2007

Reflections on Session 3

The lesson today has provided me the perspective on how to assess and what to assess in the learning environment. It is interesting to know how the research on learning environment has evolved from the various presentations by the various groups on the historical background of each of the researchers such as Henry Murray, Timothy Leary, Herbert Walberg, et. cetera. The discussion on how Moo's schema- the 3 dimensions ( relationship development, personal development and system maintenance and system change) is used as the basis for the construction of the instruments meant for assessing, gives me a better idea of how these instruments work. I have also learnt about the "big picture" on the Inter-relationships between Lewinian's formula and Murray's Needs-press model and have a greater understanding about the difference between the alpha press and beta press. The introduction of the various instruments such as QTI, SLEI, WIHIC in the class makes it even more interesting. I look forward to know more the next lesson.

Fraser and Fisher (Session 3)

1. This article reports on a study of classroom environments in emerging Internet classrooms
in British Columbia, Canada. The study involved an evaluation of the physical and
psychosocial learning environments in these settings through a combination of case studies
and questionnaires.... (WIHIC) Learning environment (Fraser, Fisher, 1998a) Science
learning environments:
Assessments,effectsand determinants.

2. This article is an evaluation of computer assisted learning in geography in Singapore. Teh
and Fraser (1994).

3. This article discusses about online learning environments

4. This paper discusses a method of gauging the psychosocial learning environment in an online
class using the Distance Education Learning Environments Survey
(DELES). Graphs of the results from one online class are presented to demonstrate the
results of this type of action research or class climate

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Some reflections....

Aspects of Learning Environment
Reading this article brings back memories on my encounter with one of my form classes two years ago. I had a class that was uncooperative and talkative. Almost every teacher complained about them being lazy and not focused, the classroom being dirty and the noticeboard being empty and so forth. I tried all ways to change them but to no avail. I decided to try and change their learning spaces and I experimented with a different classroom arrangement. I was apprehensive at first because I was worried that my colleagues would be unhappy with me for differing from the traditional classroom seating arrangement. However I went ahead with it and arranged the class in a U-shaped seating arrangement whereby there is close proximity between the teacher and the students. I also put up a talking forum on the class noticeboard in which the class can pen down their thoughts on anything they want to discuss. In addition, I tried to create a more conducive learning environment for the class with more colorful decorations on their noticeboard. It seemed to work though there were some objections from the class at first. I guessed I was also fortunate enough to garner the support from my fellow colleagues teaching the same class. I was glad that the class actually grew closer and they were eventually more cooperative, less talkative ( probably due to the seating arrangement where everyone can see who is talking) and focused than before.
When I looked back, I realised that the physical surroundings do play an important role in shaping the learning environment. However, it is not the only aspect. There are also other factors to consider as well.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

My cute little girl

Engaging learning environment should start from preschool. I personally feel that my cute little's girl school has been doing well in this aspect. Just some photos to show how the teachers engage the young children in their daily learning. One of the pictures show them wearing their raincoats on a rainy day. The teachers took that opportunity when the theme was on "weather". The other picture shows the preparation in demonstrating the explosion of a "volcano". I think these experiences are really important for learning. Seeing is believing.....

Friday, November 9, 2007