Monday, December 3, 2007

Reflections on Session 3

The lesson today has provided me the perspective on how to assess and what to assess in the learning environment. It is interesting to know how the research on learning environment has evolved from the various presentations by the various groups on the historical background of each of the researchers such as Henry Murray, Timothy Leary, Herbert Walberg, et. cetera. The discussion on how Moo's schema- the 3 dimensions ( relationship development, personal development and system maintenance and system change) is used as the basis for the construction of the instruments meant for assessing, gives me a better idea of how these instruments work. I have also learnt about the "big picture" on the Inter-relationships between Lewinian's formula and Murray's Needs-press model and have a greater understanding about the difference between the alpha press and beta press. The introduction of the various instruments such as QTI, SLEI, WIHIC in the class makes it even more interesting. I look forward to know more the next lesson.

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